Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Fighting Cancer - Our journey with Kodi our Husky: 4th Februrary 2014

Fighting Cancer - Our journey with Kodi our Husky: 4th Februrary 2014: Kodi yesterday GREAT NEWS After consultation with Dr Janey we have now reached the stage where we can begin reducing Kodi's MM...

4th Februrary 2014

Kodi yesterday


After consultation with Dr Janey we have now reached the stage where we can begin reducing Kodi's MMS treatment and continue with a maintenance programme.

We are now giving him 9 drops of MMS twice a day which is a lot easier on him (and on us).

The diet we have all three of them on is now a way of life. We could never conceive of going back to the old routine of commercially bought dog food and I think they would turn their noses up at it in horror.  They love their free range, chemical and hormone free chicken, rice and veggies and Mom's home made pellets. The added cumin gives it a lovely flavour and it smells divine when it is cooking.

Quite often when we have cooked up a batch we will have exactly the same on our plates. (Excluding the pellets although they are also very tasty).

When we first started this programme it seemed like a huge amount of work but we have a routine and now it all just falls into place quite naturally.

When friends and family visit they cannot believe the result we have had with Kodi. They saw him when the tumour was growing - that huge ugly bulbous mass bulging out of his mouth.  And now you would never even know it was ever there.
Looking at these pictures it's hard to believe how it looked.

Kodi is like a teenager again. He has trimmed down and has boundless energy and drives his brothers crazy because he wants to play all the time.

It is hard to believe that this is the dog we would have had to put down long before Christmas.

For anyone who is unfortunately facing the dreaded diagnosis of cancer in their pet - I hope this blog holds out a beacon of hope. We were very sceptical at the outset but we really had nothing to lose by going this route and now, seeing the results with our own eyes, we firmly believe in the relevance of  holistic treatment for cancer.

We are ordinary people with a very modest income and the MMS treatment is thankfully not expensive at all. We also come out on the plus side by making our own meals for the dogs as opposed to purchasing commercial dog food.

For further information on MMS please visit www.canceralive.net

Best wishes and happy blogging,
Sandy, Gunter and the boys xxxx

Friday, 17 January 2014

Fighting Cancer - Our journey with Kodi our Husky: 17th JANUARY 2014

Fighting Cancer - Our journey with Kodi our Husky: 17th JANUARY 2014: 17TH JANUARY 2014 A New Year and ALL IS WELL! I hope everyone has had a good break and all best wishes for a healthy, happy and peaceful...

17th JANUARY 2014


A New Year and ALL IS WELL!

I hope everyone has had a good break and all best wishes for a healthy, happy and peaceful 2014.

Kodi continues to amaze us. There is no visible sign that he ever had that terrible tumour. He is healthy, happy and energetic. We continue with his treatment and I hope to be able to post a maintenance schedule next Friday after we have consulted with Dr Janey who should be back from her well deserved break.

The flea problem persists in this hot weather. The natural remedies I have tried work to a degree but do not eradicate the problem.  We would sincerely appreciate any suggestions.

Kodi has always suffered from a grass allergy and with the summer comes the mowing of lawns and he has started scratching.  Would love to hear from anyone with suggestions for a natural remedy for this.

The dogs are loving their diet of chicken, rice and vegetables and their homemade pellets.  The food smells wonderful cooking and tastes equally as good and we have the satisfaction of knowing that everything they eat is natural, chemical and hormone free and good for them.


It's off to the vet this week to be weighed.  He has done well I am sure.  He looks much sleeker and is so much more agile. He runs rather than waddles!

We continue to be delighted with his progress and will continue to bost regular Friday blogs.

If you have any questions you are welcome to post them and we will try to answer them.

We would also love to hear from anyone that this blog may have helped.

Till next Friday...Happy Blogging.

Best wishes
Sandy, Gunter and the Boys xxx